We tune your KYB suspension with our own VRS Special Parts so that your set is feeling progressive and smooth!
With VRS PRO VALVES in the forks you reduce your armpump while still having safe and comfortable front forks.
In the shock we have 3 options to choose from. Beginning with a VRS PISTON (with shims)
a piston designed to have a much thinner shim stack than oem, so you have a much
more constant valving system.
V8P PISTON (with springs) a piston designed with 8 Springs and valves, with only a minimal shim
stack we have maximum control to change the shims and springs to maximise the comfort of the shock.
KYB TRIPLE ADJUSTER made by KYB adds additional rebound adjustment
and removes the spring type high speed compression adjuster.
Improves traction and reduces spike on acceleration bumps.